
1. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability is based on pictures and videos taken on place by the author. The measures are estimated on place, from the pictures or measured via google-maps. The schematic drawings are based on the pictures and drawn by the author. Each structure is usually based on more pictures and videos than the one showed.

Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data, will not be liable for any wrong or incomplete information, error, technical problem, malware or other hazards by using the present website. is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. All information provided herein is without warranties of any kind and subject to change. You should not relay upon the data on this website as a basis for making decisions, for example, structural, constructive, etc. In no event shall be liable for any direct or indirect kind of damages arising out of this website or its services.

2. Therm of Use and/or its licensors holds all intellectual property rights and website material contained herein. You may use for your own personal, non-commercial use only.
Any other use requires the prior written permission of the author, for example, copy, modify, translate, create derivative works, transfer of the digital content, create iframes, hotlinking, etc.

2.1 Figures, Schematic Drawings and Videos

If you would like to use them, send an email indicating the structure name, multimedia number, multimedia caption and use. They are also available in a higher quality format with or without the additional graphics (e.g. naming of parts).

3. Privacy Policy

3.1 Email

Your email address and content will not be shared or sold to third parties.

3.2 Web server logs

The log information includes: the internet protocol address (IP), the computer operating system (OS), the browser type, the country by which you accessed the website, when and how was the website accessed and the visit duration. This data is used for analyze and improve the website.

3.3 Google Analytics uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service prvided by Google that uses cookies.
For more information about Google's privacy, how google uses visitors data, and how to control what data that google collects, visit:

3.4 Privacy Policy Changes privacy policy may change from time to time; chapter 3.1 (email) will only change if required by law enforcement request. The relevant law will be cited in chapter 3.1.
Last privacy policy update: July 29th, 2022.

By using the present website, you hereby acknowledge and accept all chapters mentioned above (1 till 3.4).