General Information

Figure 1 shows a single-lane road beam bridge that is used by not heavy vehicles.

Beam bridge.
Beam bridge over a river
Main span ≅ 10 m
Girder Prestressed concrete beam/reinforced concrete solid slab

RC Solid Slab Sector

Figure 2 shows a schematic three-dimensional view of the bridge.

Beam bridge.
Three-dimensional drawing of a beam bridge with a passing place

The bridge has eight equal spans and a passing place (spans 4 and 5). The girder of span 4 consists of an RC solid slab, while the girder of the remaining spans consists of a prestressed concrete M-beam. The girders are supported by pile bents: four-pile bents for the passing place sector, and three-pile bents for the single-lane sectors. Figure 3 shows a roadway view of the passing place region, while figure 4 shows a side view of it.

Beam bridge with passing place.
Passing place of a single-lane beam bridge
Beam bridge with passing place.
Side view of a passing place

Figure 5 shows a side view of spans 3 and 4.

M-beam and RC solid slab.
Prestressed concrete M-beam girder and RC soild slab girder

The height of the M-beam (hb) is bigger than the thickness of the concrete slab (hs).

  • What are some possible reasons for the RC solid slab span?
    Is the load capacity of the passing place spans (4 and 5) the same?
    Assuming a slab thickness (hs) of about 20 cm. Is the slab prestressed?