General Information

Figure 1 shows a steel canopy roof.

Canopy roof.
Steel canopy roof.

Structural Concept

Figure 2 shows a canopy roof sector viewed from below.

Canopy roof.
Steel canopy roof with knee braces and trusses.

The steel structure consists mainly of transverse trusses, a longitudinal front truss, knee braces, purlins, and metal roofing sheets. The transverse trusses are connected to the RC beam and the longitudinal front truss; the knee braces, to the RC columns and the longitudinal front truss. The knee braces and the longitudinal front truss are connected as shown in figure 3.

Knee brace to longitudinal front truss connection.
Knee brace to longitudinal front truss connection.

The knee brace and the longitudinal front truss are connected by a welded end-plate, which vertically cantilevers from the longitudinal front truss, and the knee brace is placed in the cantilever region. Figure 4 shows a schematic roof sector layout.

Structural layout of a steel canopy roof.

The width b ≅ 3 m.

  • How efficient is the structural concept?
  • Knee Braces

    Figure 5 shows the knee brace layout.

    Knee brace layout.
    Steel canopy roof with two types of knee braces.

    There are two types of knee braces: type 1 consists of a single member, while type 2 consists of two members. Figure 6 shows a knee brace type 2.

    Knee brace type 2.
    Knee brace with vertical member.

    The distance c ≅ 4 m.

  • What are some possible reasons for using member 2?
  • Transverse Trusses to Reinforced Concrete Beam Connections

    The transverse trusses are connected to the reinforced concrete beam as shown in figure 7.

    Transverse trusses to RC beam connections.
    Over RC column (knee brace region) Over infill wall
    Transverse trusses to reinforced concrete beam connection.

    The connection over the RC column has two L-profiles; over the infill wall, a single L-profile. The remaining parts are similar for both connections: welds and anchor bolts.

  • What are some possible reasons for the different number of L-profiles?
  • Corner Zone Trusses

    Figure 8 shows the corner zone viewed from below.

    Corner zone.
    Corner zone trusses.

    The corner zone has five trusses.

  • Are all trusses required for structural efficiency reasons?