General Information

Figure 1 shows a steel canopy roof.

Canopy roof.
Steel canopy roof with front columns

Front Columns

Figure 2 shows a canopy roof sector viewed from below.

Canopy roof.
Steel canopy roof structure viewed from below

The steel structure consists mainly of front columns, transverse trusses, purlins, and metal roofing sheets. The front columns, transverse trusses, and purlins are made of square hollow sections. Each transverse truss has an overhanging bottom chord, which is connected to a front purlin or a front column. Figure 3 shows a schematic layout of a roof sector, while figure 4 shows a connection between a front column and the ground slab.

Schematic layout of a steel canopy roof with front columns

The width b ≅ 3.5 m, and the front columns are not over the ground slab.

Front column to ground slab connection.
Connection between column and ground slab

Each front column is connected to the ground slab by a cantilever base plate and two anchor bolts.

  • How efficient are the front columns?
    How does the base plate affect the column design?