General Information

Figure 1 shows a pedestrian frame bridge.

Pedestrian frame bridge.
Pedestrian steel frame bridge over an irrigation canal
Main span: ≅ 6 m
Width: ≅ 0.8 m
Girder: Steel frame

Structural Behavior

Figure 2 shows the bridge.

Frame bridge.
Pedestrian steel frame bridge

The frame is made of U-sections, the deck of L-sections, and the safety barrier of circular hollow sections. The safety barrier has a truss-like geometry and is connected to the frame as shown in figure 3.

Safety barrier to frame connection.
Connection between safety barrier and steel frame

The safety barrier is connected to the web by transverse members (weld connection). Suppose that the safety barrier does not have transverse members and is connected to the upper flange (weld connection), as shown in the schematic three-dimensional view in figure 4.

Variant A (three-dimensional view).
Three-dimensional view of a pedestrian steel frame bridge
  • Consider bending. Does the used bridge behave like variant A?
  • Structural Model

    Figure 5 shows the bridge.

    Frame bridge.
    Pedestrian steel frame bridge

    The frame is trapezoidal shaped. Figure 6 shows three structural models.

    Structural models.
    Structural models of a frame bridge

    All models have the same constant cross-section, material parameters, span to height (h) ratio, and uniformly distributed load (p). The supports are of type pinned (triangle) and roller (circle).

  • Which is the structure with the greatest vertical deflection?
    Which is the structure with the greatest normal force?
    Consider the connection between the steel frame (made of U-sections) and the RC abutment. What are some possible constructive details for pinned and roller support types?