General Information

Figure 1 shows a suspension bridge that is used by motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians.

Suspension bridge.
 Suspension bridge over a river
Type Single-span suspension bridge
Main span ≅ 70 m
Deck width ≅ 1.5 m
Deck width to main span ratio ≅ 1:46
Pylon Reinforced concrete (H-shaped)
Girder Timber transverse beam

Hanger Cable to Timber Girder Connection

Figure 2 shows a schematic cross-section of the bridge.

Cross-section of a wooden suspension bridge

A single hanger cable runs from main cable 1 to main cable 2 via the timber girder bottom side. The hanger cable passes through the timber girder through two vertical holes. The forces are transferred by direct (cable to timber girder) contact. Figure 3 shows a hanger cable to timber girder connection viewed from below.

Hanger cable to timber girder connection (1).
Hanger cable to timber girder connection viewed from below

A longitudinal crack on the timber girder and an offset between the vertical hole and the hanger cable are noticeable. The double white arrow indicates the longitudinal direction of the timber fibers. A further connection viewed from the side is shown in figure 4.

Hanger cable to timber girder connection (2).
Hanger cable to timber girder connection viewed from the side

A longitudinal crack and an offset between the vertical hole and the hanger cable are also noticeable. The hanger cable touches the stringer and a deck board.

  • What are some possible reasons for the offset between the vertical hole and the hanger cable?
    What are the main consequences?
  • Figure 5 shows a further hanger cable to timber girder connection.

    Hanger cable to timber girder connection (3).
    Hanger cable to timber girder connection

    This connection has two additional cables (one per side). Additional cable 1 is looped once around the timber girder, fixed with U-bolt clamps, and connected to the hanger cable (over the deck region) by U-bolt clamps. Free space between additional cable 1 and the timber girder is noticeable.

  • What is the purpose of additional cable 1?
  • Hanger Cables

    Figure 6 shows a main span sector.

    Main span.
    Main span sector with unequal hanger cables

    Noticeable are taut, slack, and twisted hanger cables; different numbers of U-bolt clamps; different hanger cable to main cable connections (e.g., with and without a bottom plate); and an irregular hanger cable arrangement.

  • What are some possible reasons for the above shown hanger cables?
  • Deck Deformation

    Figure 7 shows a main span sector.

    Main span.
    Deck deformation of a main span sector

    Deck deformation is noticeable.

  • What are some possible deformation causes?